John 11:43-44
43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
In John 11, we read about a man called Lazarus, whose sisters were called Mary and Martha. Jesus was a very good friend to them. One day, Lazarus fell sick and died before Jesus was able to get to Him. Jesus delayed for four days before he got to them. This made them quite upset because they believed Lazarus would not have died if he had been there on time. But Jesus did this on purpose so that they would believed that he was sent from God, and that the glory of God would be manifested. In life, when you pray for something, there is sometimes a delay. This delay is not denial. God has an appointed time that He answers prayer so that His name would be glorified. Therefore, be patient and have faith that He who is faithful would definitely provide the solution to your prayers and supplications in due season. We cannot twist the hand of God, but we can trust that He would provide the appropriate answer according to His time table.
Jesus delayed because He knew what He was going to do. He is the Lord over the dead and the living. Nothing too hard for the Lord, whether in life or in death. He is the resurrection and the life. At His word, Lazarus was restored to life. Today, may the Lord restore any part of your life that is dead and unfruitful to normalcy. Lazarus was set free from the bonds of death. Yes, Jesus is the giver of life so do not fear death. If you are sick of any terminal illness, believe in the healing power in the name of Jesus and you will be restored. At the command and name of Jesus, every knee bows and every tongue confesses him as Lord. He is the Lord of all! When Lazarus came back to life, he still had his hand and feet bounded. Jesus then commanded that they should "loose him, and let him go." Indeed, he that the son sets free, is free indeed. What ever is binding you and preventing you to be fruitful in serving the Lord, I command you to be free today in Jesus' name. You are free from the bondage of sin. Live a life of Holiness and you will enjoy the freedom and joy of the Lord. Be blessed and experience an uncommon favor of the Lord.