“If Christ has not been raised from the dead, our preaching is useless and so is our faith “(1 Cor. 15:14)
There are numerous evidences that support the resurrection of Jesus.
1. The fact of the Christian Church: It is an established fact that the followers of Jesus, who were first called Christians in Antioch, referred to the resurrection as the basis for their teaching, preaching, living, and dying. The resurrection of Christ empowered them to turn the world upside down.
2. The fact of the Christian day: The first Christians were Jews and for the day of worship to be moved from the Jewish Sabbath to Sunday, something cataclysmic must have happened. This was the resurrection of Jesus that called for a day for its celebration.
3. The Christian Book, the New Testament: There are six independent testimonies to the resurrection that include by John, Peter, and Matthew. The accounts in the Gospels are supported by other early Christian writings, including the letters of the apostles Paul and Peter.
4. The account of the empty tomb. (Matthew
5. The appearances of Jesus: Jesus appeared on ten different occasions to His disciples, Peter and James, and then the group. He also appeared to the five hundred people who had gathered.
6. The transformation of the disciples from being frightened and dispirited to becoming bold proclaimers of the resurrection, all point to the reality of the event.
The historical and eyewitness accounts of the resurrection, combined with the profound impact it had on the early Christian community, provide strong evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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