The fifth book of the Major Prophets written by Daniel during his lifetime in exile in Babylon as well as to provide exiled Jews hope regarding God's plan for the future. Daniel consists of 12 chapters, including a mixture of historical events and future prophecies.
Chapter 1: Daniel's background - This focuses on the young man, Daniel, and his three friends who were taken captive to Babylon, and educated to serve in the king's court but refused to defile themselves with the unclean food offered by the king. Their faithfulness eventually paid off when they were eventually promoted to high positions in the nation.
Chapters 2 – 4: King Nebuchadnezzar faces a problem, and Daniel and his friends provide God's wisdom.
Chapter 5: King Belshazzar's wickedness leads to his downfall.
Chapter 6: Daniel is miraculously delivered from the lion's den, while those who falsely accused him were eaten by the lions.
Chapter 7:, He has a
dream regarding the future of the Gentile nations.
8 – 12: Future prophecies regarding
Israel and the nations. This includes the prophecy of the ram and male goat (Chapter
8), prophecy of the seventy weeks (Chapter 9), and the future restoration
involving the Messiah and God's ultimate plan for His people (Chapters 10 -12).
Foreshadowings: We
see in the stories of the fiery furnace and Daniel in the lions’ den a
foreshadowing of the salvation provided by Christ. The three men declare that
God is a saving God who can provide a way of escape from the fire (3:17). In Daniel’s
case, an angel shut the lions’ mouths and saved Daniel from death. In the same
way, by sending Jesus to die for our sins, God has provided an escape from the
fires of hell (1 Peter 3:18). Jesus Christ
is our provision from the dangers of the sins that threaten to consume us.
Theological contributions: The Book of Daniel contributes to
our understanding of end-times events. It also contributes to our understanding
of God’s sovereignty and infinite might. As each king flexes his royal muscles
before the Most High God, He responds with a display of his infinite power and
wisdom. God protects His people and will always save them in the end.
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